Monday, 4 September 2017

Beginning of School Year 2017

It has been a incredibly busy three days (August 30, 31 & Sept 1) getting ready to start a new school year.  It is amazing the tremendous amount of work involved at the System, School and Classroom levels.  

Meetings - system & school focused meetings
I feel very fortunate πŸ’œ that our school leaders acknowledge teachers need time to meet, organize and set up their classrooms in preparation for students arriving.  

System and school focused meetings are informational providing updates to policies and procedures necessary for the day to day operation of our school.  It is amazing how a seemingly minor change in mandate can have a far reaching impact on the school, staff and the reason we do what we do the 🠞 STUDENTS!

At the end of our first morning of meetings we were advised to come the next morning dressed comfortably for a "team building" exercise.  To be totally honest I was dreading it.  Prior experiences have left a bad taste in my mouth for such activities.

Well any and all misgivings went out the window!  Our amazing principal organized an "Escape Room" activity.  We divided into our six Teaching Pods and rotated through three activities created Mobile Escape.  Everyone raved about the activity.  It seems that many were as apprehensive as I was.

Pod Meetings
Each Core subject Pod consists of a English Language Arts teacher, Mathematics teacher (Me), Science and Social Studies teacher.  Pod 1  teaches 3-Grade 8 and 3-Grade 7 classes every day except Fridays where we teach 3 each Friday.  

My pod, Pod 1 (we have to come up with a name for our Pod) gathered to participate in the Escape Room team building activity and another time to discuss and share knowledge about the special needs students.

Department Meetings

Maternity leaves, teaching assignment changes and teachers moving schools has decimated our school's Math Department.  This year the other members of the Math Department's teaching experience ranges form 1st year to experienced.  We had productive meetings where we discussed long range plans, Course Syllabus, order of math units and assessments.   A positive to being the sole remaining member of the department going forward is that I get to say "how we do things".  

 Classroom Preparation  

   πŸ  3 Staff Meetings  

   πŸŽ  2 Department Meetings  

   πŸ  1 Pod Meeting  

   πŸŽ  Clean & Organize Classroom desks 

   πŸ  Organize 1st day activities & lockers, handouts 

   πŸŽ  Create and print Math course outline 

   πŸ  Organize teacher & student supplies 

   πŸŽ  Create Bulletin Boards

  • How to Learn Math        
  • Changing Words Changing Mindset 
  • Class Expectations 
  • Borders on Student word bulletin boards 

🍏 To Do List (working at school on Saturday September 2nd)
  1. Math games - check that all games are complete
  2. Cards - check that all decks are complete (24 decks)
  3. Update Marks & Attendance binder dividers
  4. print Homeroom & Class lists
  5. Print Year Plans at a Glance & Detailed Long Range Plan
  6. Create Teacher Day Book Plan sheets (changed to a 7-period day from a 6)
  7. Print class lists

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